
Top Weight Loss eBook Reviewed

Posted on 5:24 AM by Unknown

I had heard good things about Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle from many online sources. It was and still is the top dieting and exercise eBook online, one of the most popular selling products in the history in the internet. Of course I wanted to hear more after that, I read a few reviews, which regrettably were too short, in the end however I bought the book and I'll share here my experience with it.
Chapter 1 is all about Goal Setting, psyching yourself up to lose weight. Those of you who are familiar with NLP probably know most of this, but for those of us who don't, it's conveniently concised and given in a clear step-by-step guide. Don't knock this part, I really felt the difference when I stopped reminding myself of my goals, I lost about 10 pounds in the first 3 weeks, mainly due to motivation supplied by goal setting, when I slacked off, weight loss decelerated sharply.
Chapter 2 deals with common misconceptions of losing weight. Very useful information here, I had no idea what I was doing wrong in at lot of cases before reading this.
Chapter 3-8 deals with the math of weight loss. Noli timere!, it is really quite simple, and charting your progress really acts as a motivator when you're feeling lazy. It also tells you how to time and balance out your meals to burn fat round the clock
9-11 deal with the three main types of energy food. Carbs, fats and protein, it tells you really how to make sure you're getting the right sort of energy for your body.
12-15 are the dieting part, including water management. It tells how to plan your menus and gives a twist on the old bodybuilder's diet, allowing maximal weight loss.
16-17 are the exercise part. This is the only part of the book that is slightly lacking. There are brief descriptions of the exercises and the plans. But still, exercising is arguably the simplest part of weight loss, the hardest part is the mental part, all dealt with above.
I hope my review of the book gives you some idea of what the book holds, at least more than the other reviews I read in the beginning, I lost about 15 pounds after slightly over a month of having this book. Haven't been this fit since I was in school.
Alex Tan is a software engineer living in Singapore. He enjoys learning Latin and Ancient Greek in his free time and watching anime. Find this article informative? For more info, visit my blog here/