
Weight Loss Drinks - 9 Healthy Drinks for Losing Weight

Posted on 5:56 PM by Unknown

A lot of people pay attention to the foods they eat when they want to lose weight but they don't pay attention to the things they drink. There are a lot of weight loss drinks that can help you reduce your daily calorie intake dramatically. The scientific researches show that a fifth of our daily calorie intake comes from the drinks we drink and that is a huge reason why we should chose them carefully. The right liquids can suppress your appetite and stimulate the metabolism which can be the difference between losing those unwanted pounds and not losing weight at all.
When you think about a healthy weight loss drinks the first it comes to mind is plain clean water. It contains zero calories and you should drink about 8 to10 cups a day. Not only that but you can actually lose some calories by drinking ice cold water. That's because your body needs to warm the water before it starts processing it. The scientific studies show that you can burn somewhere between 250 - 300 calories from cold water.
If you get bored and you want to try something else than water - try making a lemonade. Squeeze a half of a lemon or add a slice of lemon to your water but remember - DO NOT ADD SUGAR. Moreover, the lemonade provides a lot of health benefits - aids in decreasing dehydration, cleans the liver and promotes better digestion and metabolism. There are also high levels of vitamin C in lemons so that gives you an extra boost of your immune system which makes the lemonade a great weight loss drink.
Juices from fruits and vegetables
Every fresh squeezed juice from vegetables and fruits are great for you. You can hear a lot of controversial statements about juices. They are claimed as a high calorie drinks which can contain a lot of sugar. However, that sugar is a natural fruit sugar which your body needs. Moreover, those juices are filled with fibers, vitamins and nutrients. Juice from carrots, blackberries, watermelon and many other fruits and vegetables are great beverages which can be awesome in the hot summer.
When it comes to shakes don't drink the ones from the bars and restaurants - that's a big NO-NO! They add sugars, ice cream and other stuff that you want to avoid. If you prepare them at home, however, that changes everything. Low fat milk and fresh fruits - that is definitely a YES! Shakes are refreshing and can be very nutritious.
Fat Low Milk
Milk is a great source of calcium which in resent researches has shown that it can contribute to the weight loss. However, you would want to drink only low fat milk. Milk also contains protein, many vitamins and minerals which makes it a great drink and you should definitely include it in your diet plan.
It has the same benefits as the low fat milk. You can add some water to the yogurt so that it can be drinkable. Why not add some ice? Yogurt contains lots of calcium which, as I mentioned before, can help in the weight loss process. Yogurt is also a nutritious product and can kill your appetite so I really recommend you add this drink to your weight loss diet!
Green Tea
Green tea is a great beverage with lots of benefits. Studies have shown that it can improve cholesterol levels, boost metabolism, increase fat oxidation and many, many other. You can also drink it cold in the summer and you can add some lemon in it for flavor. It is also a great source of caffeine but be careful - too much caffeine can make you nervous.
Black Coffee
The best weight loss drink is the black coffee (no sugar, no milk). A cup of black coffee gives you zero amount of calories which is the best option for a weight loss drink. It is basically a calorie-free beverage, so you can enjoy it without feeling guilty about it. Moreover the coffee contains antioxidants, which can fight free radicals that roam through your body and threaten your health.
Coconut water
Scientists have discovered that coconut water can help you with the weight loss process. The pure coconut water consumption boosts your metabolism and helps you with the unwanted pounds. The tropical cultures know about its benefits and they have been using it for centuries. The coconut water has also a diuretic effect which helps for cleaning toxins of your body.
You should always consider what you are drinking when you are on a weight loss diet! However, without a good weight loss diet all of your efforts in the gym might go to waste!